07947 394 439 info@crasbestos.co.uk

The Asbestos Professionals

CR Asbestos Surveying Ltd, located in Sheffield, is an independently owned company with over 25 years’ experience in the asbestos industry.

We offer a professional, personal and efficient service. We are able to travel nationwide including Europe providing highly competitive quotations.
Our main services include Asbestos Management, Pre-demolition/refurbishment and Asbestos Re-inspection surveys. We are also able to provide Asbestos Awareness Training and Asbestos Consultancy.

More information can be viewed on the Services page of our website.

We are experienced in surveying all types of premises including domestic properties, retail, industrial and health care.

As such we are the preferred supplier of Asbestos removal to well-known businesses including Claire’s, Caring Homes Group, and more.
Please contact us for a free no obligation quotation. 

Management Surveys

The Management Survey is required to manage ACM (Asbestos Containing Materials) during the normal occupation and use of premises.  The Survey must locate ACM that could be damaged or disturbed by normal activities, by foreseeable maintenance, or by installing new equipment. It involves minor intrusion and minor asbestos disturbance to make a Materials Assessment. This shows the ability of ACM, if disturbed, to release fibres into the air. It guides the client in prioritising any remedial work.

Refurb / Demo Surveys

The Refurbishment/Demolition Survey is required where the premises, or part of it, need upgrading, refurbishment or demolition. The Survey does not need a record of the ACM condition. Normally, a surveyor is needed for Refurbishment/demolition Surveys. The Survey must locate and identify all ACM before any structural work begins at a stated location or on stated equipment at the premises. It involves destructive inspection and asbestos disturbance. The area surveyed must be vacated, and certified ‘fit for reoccupation’ after the survey.

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